Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Post 2

That was a really interesting video. I was familiar with a lot of the terms before watching (ARPANet, TCP-IP), but I didn't really know how these specific technologies were developed and what the terms actually meant in terms of network structure.
One thing I particularly found interesting was how the distributed network model was developed as a way of getting around the short range of direct transmission. Similarly, I'd never even heard of the CYCLADES network. Their end-to-end connection setup, if I understand it correctly, must've been invaluable for the development of more modern dedicated network hardware, and from there, wireless networking. I remember being amazed by the first wireless network I saw in the early 2000s, but now Wi-Fi is practically everywhere.
The video was a great summary of the interntational developments that all contributed to the present modern internet, and it was interesting to learn some terms I'd never heard of before, like the X.25 protocol.

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