Reading Schedule and Course Calendar:
All readings and activities should be completed prior to the class meeting under which they are listed. Quizzes will take place, and papers will be due, at the beginning of course meetings. Blog posts should be done before your section meeting on the assigned week.
All readings are available as PDFs through Learn@UW, or as online resources linked below.
Unit 1 | Introduction & Internet History
Tues. 1/18: What is New Media? Introduction to critical approaches
Discussion Sections 1/18 and 1/19: Introduction to assignments; Practicum sign-up; In-class screening: Frontline: Digital Nation (2010)
Thurs. 1/20: Computing History & Imagining Cyberspace
- David Bell, “Storying Cyberspace”
Tues. 1/25: ARPANET and Origins of the Internet
- Nancy Baym, excerpt from Personal Connections in a Digital Age
- Janet Abbate, “Cold War and White Heat”
Discussion Sections 1/25 and 1/26: Social shaping of technology: Packet switching and ARPANET (discuss Abbate reading); Finalize practicum assignments
Blog #1: Set up your account and post an introduction that includes a picture!
Blog #2: Watch and respond to this video
Thurs. 1/27: Emergence of the WWW
- Tim Berners-Lee, "Enquire Within Upon Everything,” and "Tangles, Links, and Webs"
Tues. 2/1: Boom and Bust
- John Cassidy, "Prologue" and "Irrational Exuberance"
- Megan Sapnar Ankerson, “Web Industries, Economies, Aesthetics: Mapping the Look of the Web in the Dot-com Era”
Discussion Sections 2/1 and 2/2: Web industry discussion; Web 2.0 debate
Thurs. 2/3: Web2.0 (2004-present)
- Andrew Keen, “Intro” and “Chap. 1” from The Cult of the Amateur
- Mary Madden and Susannah Fox, "Riding the Waves of Web 2.0"

Unit 2 | Analyzing Representations and Relationships
Tues. 2/8: Popular representations of the internet & moral panics
- Alice Marwick, “To catch a predator? The MySpace Moral Panic”
- Burgess & Green “YouTube and the Mainstream Media” Pages 17-21
Discussion Sections 2/8 and 2/9: Analyze representations of the internet; Discuss Marwick reading; Introduce paper assignment
Blog #3: Try and respond to: i-Dosing, ChatRoulette, or view 15 MySpace profiles
Thurs. 2/10: Software and interfaces as representations
- Steven Johnson, “Desktop”
- Lev Manovich “The Interface”
Tues. 2/15: Online communities (Web 1.0)
- Nessim Watson, "Why We Argue about Virtual Community: A Case Study of the Fan Community"
- Steinkuehler, C. & Williams, D., “Where everybody knows your (screen) name”
Discussion Sections 2/15 and 2/16: Virtual community presentations
Thurs. 2/17: Online identities
- Nancy Baym “Identity” Pages 105-119
- Lisa Nakamura, “Race In/For Cyberspace”
- Tom Boellstorff, “Participant Observation”
- Tom Boellstorff, “Participant Observation”
Tues. 2/22: Social networking: Web2.0 identities and communities
- danah boyd, “Social Network Sites as Networked Publics”
- Nancy Baym, “The New Shape of Online Community: The Example of Swedish Independent Music Fandom”
Discussion Sections 2/22 and 2/23: Identity & Social Networking presentations
Thurs. 2/24: Challenging communities
- Susan Herring et al., “Trolling in a Feminist Forum”
- Julian Dibbell, “The Assclown Offensive: How to Enrage the Church of Scientology”
Tues. 3/1: Privacy, surveillance and reputation management
- Douglas MacMillan, “Why Facebook Wants Your ID”
- Jonathan Zittrain, excerpt from The Future of the Internet & How to Stop It
- Jonathan Zittrain, excerpt from The Future of the Internet & How to Stop It
Discussion Sections 3/1 and 3/2: Discuss the idea of “privacy” online
Blog #4: Google yourself and reflect on what you find (or don’t find).
Thurs. 3/3: Online celebrity
- Terri Senft, excerpt from Camgirls
- Anne Helen Petersen, “We’re Making Our Own Paparazzi”
Unit 3 | Policy, Access, and Democracy
Tues. 3/8: Digital Divides
- Jenkins et al, “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture” Pages 12-21
- Eszter Hargittai “Digital Na(t)ives”
Discussion Sections 3/1 and 3/2: Internet Users and Audiences presentations
Thurs. 3/10: (Guest lecturer: Danny Kimball): Net Neutrality
- Tim Wu & Christopher Yoo, “Keeping the Internet Neutral?”
- Tim Berners-Lee, “Long Live the Web”
------- SPRING BREAK -------
Tues. 3/22: Democracy, the Press and the Transformation of News Journalism
- Cass Sunstein, "The Daily We", Boston Review, 2000
- Henry Jenkins, "Challenging the Consensus", Boston Review, 2000
- Zizi Papacharissi, “The Digital Citizen” Pages 103-107
- Zizi Papacharissi, “The Digital Citizen” Pages 103-107
Discussion Sections 3/22 and 3/23: News Journalism: Sunstein, Jenkins debate
Thurs. 3/24: Political Campaigns and Activism
- Boehlert, "Introduction" and “The Obama Nation”
- Evgeny Morozov, “Iran: Downside to the ‘Twitter Revolution’”
Unit 4 | Participatory Culture, Intellectual Property, and Convergence
Tues. 3/29: Introduction to Participatory Culture
- Pierre Lévy, “Collective Intelligence”
- Henry Jenkins et al, “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture” Pages 1-11
- Burgess & Green, “YouTube and the Mainstream Media” Pages 21-37
Discussion Sections 3/29 and 3/30: Forms of Collective Intelligence presentations
Thurs. 3/31: Aesthetics of Participatory Culture and Web 2.0
- Jay David Bolter & Richard Grusin, “Remediation" Pages 44-50
- Jean Burgess, “All Your Chocolate Rain Are Belong to Us?' Viral Video, YouTube
and the Dynamics of Participatory Culture”
Tues. 4/5: Introduction to online gaming
- James Paul Gee, "Good Games, Good Learning"
- Jesper Juul, “A Casual Revolution”
Discussion Sections 4/5 and 4/6: Networked Gaming presentations
Blog #5: Play and respond to Plants vs. Zombies
Thurs. 4/7: “Bad” play?
- Mia Consalvo, from Cheaters
- Dibbell, Julian "The Life of a Chinese Gold Farmer"
- Hector Postigo, “Video Game Appropriation through Modifications”
Tues. 4/12: Copyright
- Patricia Aufderheide, “Copyright, Fair Use, and Social Networks”
- Siva Vaidhyanathan, “The Digital Moment”
Discussion Sections 4/12 and 4/13: Discuss copyright and digital era; Discuss Postigo
Blog #6: Watch 1 YouTube video and 1 Hulu video; reflect on sites' differences
Thurs. 4/14: Piracy, Filesharing, and Media Industries
- Lawrence Lessig, "Piracy"
- Damian Kulash, Jr. “Free Viral Videos”
Tues. 4/19: Spatial convergence: virtual and physical space
- Zizi Papacharissi, “Spatial Convergence,” Pages 68-74
- Zizi Papacharissi, “Spatial Convergence,” Pages 68-74
- William Mitchell, “Recombinant Architecture”
Discussion Sections 4/19 and 4/20: Discuss blending of real/virtual spaces
Thurs. 4/21: Cell Phones & Mobile Cultures
- Mimi Ito et al., “Portable Objects in Three Global Cities”
- Gerard Goggin, “Adapting the Mobile Phone: The iPhone and its Consumption”
- Gerard Goggin, “Adapting the Mobile Phone: The iPhone and its Consumption”
Unit 5 | Computer and Internet Futures
Tues. 4/26: Ubiquitous computing
- Adam Greenfield, “How is Everyware Different from What We’re Used to?” – (read three “theses” thoroughly)
- Mark Weiser, “The Computer for the 21st Century”
Discussion Sections 4/26 and 4/27: Discussion of mobile and ubiquitous computing
Blog #7: Track every computerized thing that you interact with in an evening
Thurs. 4/28: Embodied computing
- Michele White, “Where Do You Want to Sit Today? Computer Programmers’ Static Bodies and Disability”
- Jakob Nielsen, “Kinect Gestural UI”
Tues. 5/3: E-waste
- Elizabeth Grossman, “The Underside of High Tech”
Discussion Sections 5/3 and 5/4: Final exam review; Course evaluations
Thurs. 5/5: Web Showcase
Sun. 5/8, 7:45am: Final Exam