Monday, May 2, 2011

Practicum Post #7 - What's left

How about a summary of my experiences in reddit for my last post.
1. Wildly addictive- the hours just melt away
2. Super relevant- You can find anything your looking for... including pictures of dead children
3. Did I mention addictive
4. Highly active- Reddit is a fascinating community of highly active individuals. It's incredible to see an idea go from a post, get turned into a website by a commenter just 8 hours later.
5. Personalized- pick and choose all your favorite subreddits to lay across the top of the screen for power surfing
6. Addicting
7. Mobile Friendly- Because of how lightweight reddit is, it is well suited to the mobile platform and a great way to get informed on the go.
8. Webocracy at its finest

Do I recommend it, most definitely. A great way to stay informed, and entertained while avoiding those awful media institutions that peddle garbage as if it were news. I talking to you Fox.


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