Thursday, May 5, 2011

Practicum Post #7-My Final Post

Well, the semester is almost over, and it is time for my final post about

I originally wanted to do support groups because I didn't understand how anyone could take legitimate advice from a website. But after learning about the users of BabyU, I have realized that online communities really can exist and be as meaningful and real as physical ones.

The regular BabyU members certainly have demonstrated how they are a community. Despite poor Internet usage habits, these members really care for one another and care about dispensing good advice. The look out for each other, know about personal achievements, and care for the good of the entire online community. It is difficult for someone like me to understand how strong online ties can be, but I really do see that the BabyU users trust one another.

I made many posts on the website, learned about many of the common users, and learned a lot about parenting. I do feel that the notion of community is changing in a growing Internet world. I also agree that different age groups use the Internet differently than others. It all depends on what a group wants from their experience on the Internet. I think the user of BabyU really wanted to connect with other people and share their knowledge. That's what blogging and forums are really all about. This group really cares that someone is out there reading and taking their advice. This concept of giving back is also an essential part of why I would define them as a community.

1 comment:

  1. I actually think it can be easier to go online for help in some situations as, if it is more of a personal question or something you might feel dumb about for asking, you can ask what you want under the guise of anonymity. That seems like the most appealing aspect of going online for advice, to me.
