Monday, May 2, 2011

Practicum Post #6-Probably the Strangest Thing I've seen yet...

So I checked in on BabyU to see what was new today. The newest post was probably the strangest I have seen to date. It reads:

LiL Ones Who Bite, by Babysfavorite
" What about little ones who bite? My son liked to bite the girl next store when he was about two years old. My doctor recommended I bite him to show how a bite would feel. He did stop biting shortly after. I don’t know whether it was because he got older or the bite encouraged him to stop. Just recently I ran into another biter at the a pro-life agency where I volunteer for woman in crisis pregnancy. He was one year old and bit my hand then tried to bite my knee. So, I proceeded to bite him."

Never, in my right mind have I ever heard of someone recommending a person bite their child. Yes, I know I don't have children, so perhaps I shouldn't judge, but it just seems strange to me. I've never heard of solving a problem like this in this manner, especially on BabyU, which seems to dispense such good advice. Luckily, the other users on the site backed up my initial feelings.
Grace said that she had never heard of quite a solution. She also asked if the woman talked to the mother of the child, saying as a mother, she would be angry if someone did this to her child (rightfully so). Babysfavorite has yet to respond.
Babysfavorite is a new member, having only joined a few weeks ago with a few posts. BabyU is a very welcoming site, so it seems right that Grace answered her question in an honest yet delicate matter. Still, I have to wonder if more responses looking down on her approach may cause her to withdraw.
I am glad that I ran into this situation during my study. BabyU has always had posts and forums about relatively normal things. I have never seen anything quite so strange. In cases like these, it shows that places like these may be good to provide alternative thoughts. I'm sure this user didn't think twice about the biting advice given by her doctor, especially after she thought that it may have worked. Community forums and posts offer different opinions and solutions to sometimes complex problems.


  1. funny but totally weird at the same time...! maybe those sites aren't so great for sharing parenting tips? Sounds kind of like the person might be doing that just to get a rise out of people!

  2. I've actually heard of this somewhere along the way. It is very weird but the fact that I heard of it means it is probably a popular technique. BabyU sound like it can save many people trips or phone calls to doctors.
