Thursday, April 28, 2011

practicum post 5-Jarchow

So I've added my video to 3 groups on vimeo now. Have not gotten a response quite yet, but vimeo is not the type of site which is checked everyday, so I'm not worried. I have discovered the strongest community on vimeo however with the power of its groups. In order to get your video seen by the most interested audience possible, all you have to do is search a group related to your video and submit it to that group. For example, I added my video to a group dedicated to Wisconsin filmmakers, another dedicated to specifically Madison filmmakers and finally one that just likes videos involving snow and cold weather. This is the easiest way of finding a niche group that can really appreciate your work and not be confused by its relevance. I look forward to talking more with my fellow group members on vimeo and reporting back soon.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate with you on the 'power of groups.' These sites can be very specific, so it was smart to post your video on a couple different groups with the hopes that it will be viewed and commented on. I had to do something similar on my senior SNS, hoping that I'd get more notoriety. Hope you find success!
