Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Practicum Presentation (post 4)

Hey everyone,

I’m presenting today with Jared and Liz on how different groups use the Internet in different ways. Rather than just looking at one online community, I’ve explored a few and am now actively participating on two. This is a new experience for me, as I’ve never been a part of an online community before, but it is really interesting to play both the role of observer and participant to get a feel for how Jews are using the Internet to connect with other Jews. Although the Jewish community uses the Internet just like any other person or group, I am definitely noticing a trend towards outreach and connection.

Here’s a question to think about in the meantime:

Do you think it’s particularly important for minority groups to place emphasis on connecting with others within that group?


  1. As a minority outside the Jewish group, I feel that it is a great opportunity for Jewish people to connect with one another. Websites targeting specific groups of people is much like the real world. These sites allow members to be exclusive over the Internet rather than in face-to-face interactions.

  2. I think this group serves a great purpose to both the minority group AND the people outside the group looking to gain more information on what the group believes, its behaviors, etc. For me, coming from a predominantly Catholic town, it would be of upmost interest for me to peruse the site and talk to people in the Jewish community. However, my biggest fear would be that I would be sort of left out of the conversation, as I would be the odd man out. But if not, I definitely thing this serves as a great purpose for all people in and interested in the religion.
